Last we spoke-- actually I was blogging and you were reading, almost like speaking... so I'm going to call it Bloking. Let's start over:
Last we bloke, I left you all begging for more (ha!) about my trip to the butt of California... so let me fill you in.
This trip- of course- involves more wine. It was the annual Wine in the Pines in Pine Mountain. Where? Well if California is a person, then Redding is the hair (scorching red for the hot hot heat), Sacramento is the head (full of geniuses like me), San Francisco is the mouth (when's the last time you heard the city shut up about anything?), Fresno is the armpit (no explanation needed), LA is the legs (Hollywood Baby! Show off 'em gams!), and San Diego is the feet (run for the border!). Then where, you ask, is Pine Mountain? It's the butt of course! This is how I explain where it is to people who ask: "It's in the range between LA and the Valley. You know when you're driving up the grapevine from the Valley, and you see that big Flying J Plaza? It's off that exit towards the west, about 20 minutes back." That usually works. Almost everyone has stopped at the Flying J to take a tinkle or leave a present ;)
So last weekend I met up with whole dam fam at my parent's cabin. My aunt and uncle have a cabin up there too. My cousins and two other couples joined us and we spent the day waddling through the event tasting wine, beer, food, and a little bit of white trash fashion. As usual I don't remember much (because I really don't remember anything, not because I was drinking). It's hard to remember any details about these wine tasting events anyways because there are so many goodies to taste.
The best part of the event was leaving. Not because we weren't enjoying ourselves, but because that means we got to head back to the cabin and eat and drink even more! Better yet we got to eat good family cooking! The guests brought over appetizers and salads, and my dad made delish tri-tip. Our dessert was my favorite special brownies. No, not those kind of special brownies. Remember, this was a family event. These ones have Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (the little ones wrapped in foil) in the center of each piece. Mmmmmmmmm. What better way to end a day in the butt, than with a dessert with a chocolate surprise.
P.S. You're welcome for the visual!
A Christmas Story - And No One Shoots Their Eye Out
11 years ago
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