I (finally) got my tax return today. And in that tax return was a lovely first time home-buyers credit.

I'm not telling you this to brag about how rich I am right now, because trust me, I'm not. Every single penny of this credit is going to Home Depot, the flooring store, the lighting store, the local paint contractor and maybe a couple of design stores (CB2, here I come). No matter how much I would love to take a trip to Banana Republic or Nike right now, I'm using that $$$ to do exactly what is meant for. (Although, I would still be stimulating the economy even if I'm buying clothes, right?)
So today not only marks the first time I've ever seen 5 digits in my savings account (probably the last time too), but the true beginning of the joy and frustration that goes along with owning my first home, and making it mine and not the tract home (cute though!) it really is. In the coming weeks I'll show you step by step what I hope will really make this a place I never want to leave.
OK, I lied. I'm def going to want to leave when I start popping out more than child... but until then, this will be a place that really, really-- and I mean really-- reflects me.
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