Lesson of the day: Boredom + Heat = Shopping!
With temperatures going over 100 degrees today I thought I would save some money on my energy bill by going to the mall where it's always freezing. Then when I got there I realized to really make that work I should have left my wallet at home :( Oh, well! I wasn't about to turn around, so I made the best of a horrible situation: I shopped and shopped and shopped.
My last stop was the best. Pottery Barn was on my way out and I almost passed it by but noticed they were having a big sale. Of course once inside I headed straight to the lamp department. For those of you lucky enough to have helped me move (thank you!), you know I have an affinity for lamps. I have more lamps than I have lighting needs. And up until today, I had more lamps than shades. The tragedy was righted when I spotted this beauty:

Oh, something else about me: I love maps. I got that knack from my Mama. I've got globes in my kitchen, vases with maps painted on them, and I am about to have a guest bathroom with maps tacked on the wall. The combination of a map
and a lamp shade was a match made in heaven. Then throw in my aforementioned love of all things California then today's find was almost enough to make me drop to my me knees and praise the decorating gods. Check out what the shade is a map of:

That's right. The Bay Area (or the Yay if you're a rapper). Only thing missing is a little star to mark where the Bro and Sis are located. At least now I have a light to show me the way...