In this case, it's three heeeeeeeds are better than one. Please tell me you've seen
"So I Married an Axe Murderer"! It is seriously one of the best Mike Meyers movies ever. Scratch that- it's one of the best movies ever. I find that I connect with it on a personal level. My favorite lines center around the son who has a rather large noggin and how his father (played by Mike Meyers, who also plays his brother) berates the unfortunate gift of mother nature. Unfortunately for me, lines like "Look at the size of that heeeed.... it has its own weather system" and "His heeeed is like an orange on a toothpick" are repeated constantly in my family because I too have a rather large heeed.
So it was shocking when my heeeed couldn't figure out how to hang my new TV on my new wall (the drywaller/painter-guys filled in an outdated alcove in my living room). When Dad came to help me finish some projects we quickly determined even two heeeds were going to need some help. The problem was that when I had my drywaller/painter-guys fill in the hole- and add some studs to support a TV mount- I didn't mark where these studs were located, and didn't specify how far I wanted them apart. Long story short, when it came time to install the mount it took about 137 small nails holes to find out exactly where the studs were (the stud finder didn't work. Although, my dad will tell you it found him just fine). Those 137 holes told us that the studs were too far apart to properly install the mount. Dammit heeeed!
Thank God for the interwebs and a brother with a mechanically minded brain, we were able to determine that we could screw in a sheet of plywood to all the necessary studs and then screw the mount on to the plywood and as many studs as we could. 10 minutes of holding the mount and 937 quarter turns of the wrench later the mount was mounted. We then attached the TV and held our breaths......................................................................... IT HELD! THE TV DIDN'T FALL! IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!
It's been over a week since I mounted that sucker, and it's still standing (or hanging rather)! An addition of a hand-me down white-trash piece of art (it's a car pulling a trailer) my dream living room is almost complete! And with the TV mounted at just the right height, I won't have to hear "Heeed! Mooooove!" when watching TV with the family.